Jul 26 – 31, 2023
Europe/Riga timezone

Crosswords BOF

Jul 30, 2023, 10:01 AM
1h 59m
Remote BoF Room 3 (Auditorium 12)

Remote BoF Room 3

Auditorium 12



Jonathan Blandford Rosanna Yuen


GNOME Crosswords is a crossword game and editor for GNOME. This BOF will focus on improving the FOSS crossword puzzle ecosystem ecosystem. We will be working on both adding some small features to the game for those who are interested, as well as writing / testing crosswords puzzles.

Big Blue Button: BoF Rm 3
Venue: Auditorium 12

Author(s) Bio

Jonathan is a long-time contributor to GNOME. He started contributing in 1997 (GNOME 0.13), and has been part of the project in various forms ever since. He has been a developer, part of the release and sysadmin teams, a director on the board, and an advisory board member. GNOME Crosswords is his second GNOME game (AisleRiot '98).

Pronouns he/him

Primary authors

Presentation materials