Jul 26 – 31, 2023
Europe/Riga timezone

VanillaOS - not just another distro

Jul 28, 2023, 10:00 AM
40 Minute Presentation Design of User and Developer Experiences


Mr Pietro di Caprio


Vanilla OS is an immutable and atomic Ubuntu based point release distribution.

In the last months we announced that we are changing base, switching to Debian Sid, released as OCI image making it easier to release a desktopless version allowing the community to create non-GNOME flavors and OEMs to customize the distro with additional drivers.

In this talk we're going to talk about the user experience idea that drives the full development of VanillaOS and the entire concept that is born from the experience on other distributions (like Fedora Silverblue with OSTree) and systems (like ChromeOS on Chromebooks).
We're going to talk about how we aim to simplify the migration to Linux thanks the custom guided first setup and the optimized installer.

We're going to talk about reliability, security and working modes both for office users and developers thanks to the Sub Systems.

Author(s) Bio

Interested in IT and software development since youth, a full time software developer, passionate of FOSS, Linux advocate and Linux server user since more than 10 years.

Born in '94, Italian UX designer, Linux advocate and Open source enthusiast. Founder at fabricators.ltd, a company that aims to improve the quality of life, one project at a time.

Pronouns he/him

Primary author

Presentation materials