Jul 26 – 31, 2023
Europe/Riga timezone

Building Student Communities to Foster OSS

Jul 28, 2023, 10:40 AM
25 Minute Presentation


Hrittik Roy


Establishing a culture that promotes success within student communities can be difficult, especially when you're just starting. Developing a culture that fosters growth and inclusivity while retaining diversity and fostering an environment that supports open communication and criticism while providing a platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration.

In this talk, you'll learn what goes on behind the scenes when creating a thriving student-led community in this lecture, including how to define specific aims and objectives by concentrating on a common struggle to support students' development and how it supports their entry into OSS.

By the end, you'll learn about how our community developed and assisted contributors from various backgrounds while maintaining respect and a healthy environment for new and existing contributors, eventually leading them to be a part of the bigger OSS community.

Author(s) Bio

Hrittik is currently a pre-final undergrad and a CNCF Ambassador who has previously worked at various startups helping them scale their content efforts. He loves diving deep into distributed systems, fostering his local community and creating articles on them and has spoken at conferences such as Azure Cloud Summit, UbuCon Asia, and Kubernetes Community Days - Lagos and Chennai among others!

His best days are when he finds ways to create impact in the communities he’s a part of either by code, content, or mentorship!

Pronouns he/him

Primary author

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