26–31 Jul 2023
Europe/Riga timezone

Documentation: State of the Union

27 Jul 2023, 10:00
25 Minute Presentation Project Organisation and Governance


Petr Kovář


Following up on similar talks held at previous GUADECs, this presentation will provide an overview of what the GNOME Documentation Team achieved in the past year and what are the current plans and challenges, including the future of help.gnome.org. It will also cover how the broader GNOME community can work with the Documentation Team, where the team needs help and how to participate in the documentation events such as hackfests.

Author(s) Bio

Petr has been contributing to GNOME L10n and docs since 2007 as a translator, writer and project/team lead. A long-time member of the GNOME Documentation and the Czech Translation Teams.

Primary author

Presentation materials