26–31 Jul 2023
Europe/Riga timezone

GSoC + Outreachy internships with GNOME

30 Jul 2023, 13:31
1h 59m
Remote BoF Room 3 (Auditorium 12)

Remote BoF Room 3

Auditorium 12

BoF Community Building and Diversity


Felipe Borges (Red Hat)


The purpose of this BoF is to discuss with mentors and mentees how we can improve the internship experiences in our community. Discussing challenges faced by participants and possible improvements for future internships.

Big Blue Button: BoF Room 3
Venue: Auditorium 12

Author(s) Bio

Felipe Borges is a GNOME developer maintaining GNOME Boxes and contributing to GNOME Settings. He is a former GNOME Foundation Board director and is passionate about onboarding newcomers to the GNOME project. Felipe manages GNOME's participation Google Summer of Code and Outreachy

Pronouns he/him

Primary author

Felipe Borges (Red Hat)

Presentation materials