26–31 Jul 2023
Europe/Riga timezone

Reducing power and bandwidth use in apps to keep users happy

26 Jul 2023, 14:15
25 Minute Presentation Application Development and Deployment


Philip Withnall (Endless)


Users who are on battery power, or using a mobile connection, can sometimes have a frustrating experience with apps which use lots of power, or keep downloading things. In some cases, this can lead to large bandwidth usage bills before the user realises.

The GNOME platform provides ways to change app behaviour to save power and bandwidth when appropriate. This talk will go through some examples of them. The talk is aimed at app authors.

Author(s) Bio

Philip works for Endless OS Foundation, and spends his time working on GLib, GNOME Software, and other bits of the lower-level desktop.

Pronouns he/him

Primary author

Presentation materials