26–31 Jul 2023
Europe/Riga timezone

Slow progress on app save/restore support

28 Jul 2023, 10:40
25 Minute Presentation Application Development and Deployment


Philip Withnall (Endless)


Over the last year, some progress has slowly been made on adding support for saving and restoring app state across restarts. This requires changes in gnome-session, GTK and GLib, as well as in apps themselves.

This talk will give an overview of where we’re at, the architecture being used, and what’s left to do. It will be a technical talk, and is aimed at toolkit developers and adventurous app authors.

Author(s) Bio

Philip works for Endless OS Foundation, and spends his time working on GLib, GNOME Software, and other bits of the lower-level desktop.

Pronouns he/him

Primary author

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