Jul 26 – 31, 2023
Europe/Riga timezone

The best testing tools we’ve ever had: an introduction to OpenQA for GNOME

Jul 27, 2023, 11:40 AM
40 Minute Presentation Design of User and Developer Experiences


Sam Thursfield (Volunteer)


How do you write the testsuite for an entire graphical desktop environment?

Desktop and distribution teams have been struggling with this question for more than a decade, and our combined efforts are starting to pay off. The combination of Gitlab, BuildStream, GNOME OS and OpenQA is the most powerful toolset we’ve ever had for ensuring high quality GNOME releases.

Author(s) Bio

Sam Thursfield is a long time GNOME contributor and part-time maintainer of the Tracker search engine. Besides desktop search software, his interests are music making and rock climbing. He continues to learn from his old mistakes while also making new ones.

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Primary author

Sam Thursfield (Volunteer)

Presentation materials