22–28 Jul 2020 Online Event
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How can I make my project more environmentally friendly?

23 Jul 2020, 17:15
25 Minute Presentation Application Development and Deployment


Philip Withnall (Endless)


The use and development of GNOME has an environmental impact, and we all have some responsibility to measure and reduce that. This talk will give you some quick and easy steps for how to measure the environmental impact of your project, your development practices, or the wider GNOME desktop — and that’s the first step towards reducing that impact.

For many apps, this will be as simple as finding and fixing some low-hanging performance issues. For many development situations, the biggest change you might make is to ensure your hosting provider uses renewable energy.

For the wider desktop, ensuring we have appropriate default settings for power management, and collecting data about how GNOME machines are used will help.

Level of Difficulty Intermediate

Primary author

Presentation materials