Jul 20 – 25, 2022
Guadalajara Connectory
US/Central timezone

Keynote Speakers

Robin Tafel

Robin Tafel

Robin Tafel is a 12+ year veteran in User Experience and Product Design whose experience has spanned many media, product, and technical spaces. The common thread throughout her work is a human-centric focus and a passion for empowering people through technology, tools, and information.

Catch Robin's presentation on day 1 (July 20) at 14:10 CDT in Bosch Auditorium (Track 1).








Victor Rodriguez

Victor Rodriguez

Victor holds a master’s degree in computer science. Victor is currently a Ph.D. student in the area of microarchitecture computer design. Victor is a Linux developer since 2010. He began his career in the Linux kernel community as a maintainer of the board OMAP138 “Hawk board” platform. Victor joined Intel in 2011 and has been working on projects related to open source SW, operating system development, SW performance optimizations, and compilers/toolchain feature for IA. Victor enjoys writing technical blogs, giving talks, and jogging in the morning.

Catch Victor's presentation on day 2 (July 21) at 9:30 CDT in Bosch Auditorium (Track 1).