Jul 20 – 25, 2022
Guadalajara Connectory
US/Central timezone

Keynote: Peeling Vegetables and the Craft of (Software) Inclusivity

Jul 20, 2022, 2:10 PM
Bosch Auditorium

Bosch Auditorium


Robin Tafel


How did a humble vegetable peeler evolve from a product for arthritis to a tool in countless kitchen drawers? And what does vegetable peeler design have to do with designing software?

Studying software products through the lens of varying abilities and backgrounds opens opportunities for creating better experiences for everyone. Inclusive and accessible design, while gaining visibility, are regularly misconstrued. I will dispel the nuances between the two, highlighting similarities and distinctions. People are a central focus of this discussion as we talk through inclusive language patterns, backgrounds, and modes of disability that we can consider. Finally, I will share actionable methodologies that your team can leverage, enabling a broader user base to enjoy your efforts. Advocating for an inclusion-oriented process from the ground up is a central strategy. My goal is to empower our community with resources to create products that more people can understand and use with delight.

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