Jul 20 – 25, 2022
Guadalajara Connectory
US/Central timezone

How an offline-first OS is helping Indigenous offline communities in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Jul 22, 2022, 10:40 AM
Samsung Room

Samsung Room

40 Minute Presentation Use of GNOME by Users


This presentation will discuss how the Endless OS Foundation and Fundación Alfredo Harp Helú Oaxaca (FAHHO) have worked together to bring connectivity, digital learning tools and educational resources to rural Indigenous communities in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. The main objective of this partnership was to improve connectivity and education issues in the mostly offline state of Oaxaca, Mexico through the effective use of Endless OS – a GNOME-based, offline-first desktop operating system. Endless OS is now running on thousands of computers distributed in a variety of Oaxaca’s offline settings including homes, communities, libraries and schools.

In addition to the challenges faced, we will also feature highlights, and how Indigenous communities in Oaxaca created their own digital learning content in their own language within this highly-customized GNOME-based OS ecosystem, helping to bridge the language gap found in the digital environment for Indigenous communities in Mexico.

Author(s) Bio

Sergio Solis worked with Endless OS Foundation and its predecessors between 2016 and 2022, improving disconnected communities’ access to information and technology through tools such as Endless OS.

Pronouns he / him

Primary author

Presentation materials