Jul 20 – 25, 2022
Guadalajara Connectory
US/Central timezone

GNOME and Sustainability - Ecosystem Management

Jul 21, 2022, 11:50 AM
Samsung Room

Samsung Room

40 Minute Presentation Community Building and Diversity


I believe our future success depends on being able to have presence in the greater FOSS world. GNOME has a proud history of being the first set of community based Free Software projects that emerged. We are one of the original pillars. There is no deployment of Linux that does not contain the body of work present by GNOME people. The rapid rise of open source, also means that the history of what came before is being lost. We are an influential project and we continue to be.

This talk focuses on building relationships with other projects in the FOSS world as part of a overall strategy of building influence and presence. With influence and presence comes greater support for the GNOME project in its goals.

Author(s) Bio

Sriram Ramkrishna is a long time contributor to the GNOME Project - as one if its oldest members, Sri has worked both internally and externally on behalf of GNOME's goals with initiatives like Extensions Rebooted, and Linux Application Summit.

Pronouns He/His

Primary author

Presentation materials