Jul 20 – 25, 2022
Guadalajara Connectory
US/Central timezone

Strategies for increasing open-source projects visibility in underrepresented demographics

Jul 22, 2022, 9:00 AM
Samsung Room

Samsung Room

40 Minute Presentation Community Building and Diversity


Innumerable ways, open-source projects have unquestionably advanced the software industry. It has sped up innovation and provided a platform for maintainers and contributors to feel a sense of belonging to a community while collaboratively contributing to the project's development and success. Notwithstanding these growing advantages, open-source projects continue to represent a substantial issue: achieving greater demographic diversity. The importance of achieving demographic diversity in an open-source project cannot be over emphasized as it will lead to the development of building a diverse team, recruitment of maintainers and contributors from diverse race, color, gender, and other minority groups.

Author(s) Bio

Regina has over nine years of experience working within database and Linux projects in the IT industry. She is a Software Engineer at IKEA. She is the founder of the Pranet initiative, A non-profit organization championing projects that bring about early technology skills in children living in rural communities in Africa. Regina is committed to the long-term viability of open-source projects. Regina is on the board of directors at GNOME Foundation, a non-profit organization building a diverse and sustainable free software personal computing ecosystem. She is building the GNOME Africa community and Linux App Summit (LAS) conference - A global Linux community. She is a speaker who enjoys engaging her audiences during her presentations.

Pronouns She/Her

Primary author

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