20–25 Jul 2022
Guadalajara Connectory
US/Central timezone

Offline learning with GNOME and Kolibri

21 Jul 2022, 14:20
Samsung Room

Samsung Room

40 Minute Presentation Application Development and Deployment


Dylan McCall Manuel Quiñones


At the Endless OS Foundation, we are concerned about the billions of people who have limited or no access to the internet, including millions of youth in the United States. Free software allows us to create empowering solutions which are uniquely catered to their situations.

For example, Endless OS uses Kolibri to deliver rich educational content to students and self-guided learners. This includes a Kolibri desktop application, which is available for everyone on Flathub and uses the GNOME platform. It also integrates tightly with Endless OS.

In this talk, we will explain our motivations for this work and how it allows us to bring offline content to learners around the world, and we will discuss some of the technology choices we made.

Author(s) Bio

Dylan McCall is a GNOME contributor and a software developer at the Endless OS Foundation. He is from Vancouver, Canada.
Manuel Quiñones is a GNOME contributor and a software developer at the Endless OS Foundation. He is from Argentina.

Pronouns he/him, he/him

Primary authors

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