Jul 20 – 25, 2022
Guadalajara Connectory
US/Central timezone

Reworking threading in gnome-software

Jul 21, 2022, 9:00 AM
Samsung Room: Remote

Samsung Room: Remote

Remote 25 Minute Presentation Application Development and Deployment


The 42.0 release of GNOME Software contains the first stage of a reworking of its internal threading. This talk will cover some of the architecture of the changes, the reasoning behind them, and the problems the changes intend to solve. The talk will also cover lessons I’ve learned from making these changes, and some thoughts about different approaches to using threads in complicated projects.

Come along if you want to hear about some of the developments in GNOME Software 42.0; if you want to learn about how to use, abuse, or not use threads with GLib; or if you’d like to pick holes in this approach to landing large changes.

Author(s) Bio

Philip has been contributing to GNOME for a number of years, most recently working on GLib and GNOME Software. He works for Endless OS Foundation.

Pronouns he/him

Primary author

Presentation materials