Jul 20 – 25, 2022
Guadalajara Connectory
US/Central timezone

The case for Internet autonomy (and how GNOME can help).

Jul 20, 2022, 1:15 PM
Bosch Auditorium

Bosch Auditorium

40 Minute Presentation Privacy and Security


In an increasingly volatile world, a growing number of threats to individual safety and privacy are posed by increased reliance on centralised Internet services for communication, search and information access. In today’s climate lawmakers, poorly-regulated corporations, hostile nations and conflicts impact data, security, connectivity –and the risk of losing all three– for anyone on the planet.

The Free and Open Source desktop is uniquely positioned to put tools in the hands of the world’s end users which allow them to safely control their personal computing and data with trust and transparency.

What technology exists that GNOME could and should be supporting for our users in regards to these threats? How can we promote personal digital safety and autonomy? What do our partners bring to the space, and what more can be done by our community collectively? These questions, along with some possible answers, will be addressed in this presentation.

Author(s) Bio

Rob McQueen is CEO at the Endless OS Foundation. Rob is an experienced engineering manager and company leader, and has been a user, developer and advocate for a Free and Open Source Linux desktop for nearly 20 years. Based in Cambridge, United Kingdom, Rob also currently serves as the President of the GNOME Foundation, a 501(c)(3) in the open source desktop space.

Pronouns he / him

Primary author

Robert McQueen (Endless OS Foundation)

Presentation materials