Jul 20 – 25, 2022
Guadalajara Connectory
US/Central timezone

Designing an approachable desktop for everyone through user research

Jul 22, 2022, 1:05 PM
Samsung Room

Samsung Room

25 Minute Presentation Design of User and Developer Experiences


“We exist for our users” is one of Endless’ most cherished values. In order to create the best experiences for our users, we strive to keep them at the center of our development process and constantly collect new insights and validate our ideas. In this talk we want to share a bit of the historical ground research context at Endless and what are the challenges we have been facing today connecting with offline users remotely. We will share the current results and insights of the research we have been conducting on the Endless OS 5 Desktop, focusing on the modifications we intend to propose for the GNOME Desktop.

Author(s) Bio

Joana Filizola is a Senior Product Designer at Endless OS Foundation. / Simon Schampijer has been involved in several projects creating user facing products based on the GNOME Desktop, the Sugar user interface for One Laptop Per Child and Endless OS and Hack for the Endless OS Foundation. His desire has always been to be close to users, this is why he run his own pilots in Berlin primary schools to learn from users first hand.

Pronouns Filizola,Joana: She/Her, Schampijer, Simon: He/Him

Primary authors

Joana Filizola (Endless OS Foundation) Simon Schampijer (Endless OS Foundation)

Presentation materials