26–28 May 2023
America/Mexico_City timezone

The Aesthetics of User Experience

27 May 2023, 09:45


Kathia Alexander



Author(s) Bio

Industrial Design Engineer and Product Designer with over 4 years of experience in the software industry, collaborating on more than 15 digital products, varying from: Marketplace add-ons for platforms like Atlassian, Monday.com, and Freshworks
standalone apps, Agile tools, and DAMs.

Descripción de la charla / Descrição da palestra

Will products work better if they look better? Learn about the correlation between aesthetic appeal and usability.

Track Experiencias de diseño y desarrollo de usuarios
Tiempo de Charla / Hora de conversar 45 Minutos
Lugar de tu Charla Zacatecas, México
Email Address kathia.alexander11@gmail.com
¿De qué país eres? / De que pais es? Mexico
Es tu primera vez hablando en GNOME Latam? / É sua primeira vez falando no GNOME Latam? Si
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