Jul 22 – 28, 2020 Online Event
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Introducing Principles of Digital Autonomy

Jul 22, 2020, 6:45 PM
50 Minute Presentation Use of GNOME by Users


Karen Sandler Molly de Blanc (GNOME Foundation)


We have become more reliant than ever on technology that we intertwine into every aspect of our lives and yet we are less in control of that technology than ever before. Karen Sandler and Molly de Blanc have been working on iterating principles by which we can measure whether our technology protects and empowers the people who use it. These principles provide a framework to evaluate important aspects the design and function of the technology, including who benefits from the use of the technology, what data is being collected, does the technology protect its user's privacy, and are users provided the appropriate information and opportunity to properly consent (or withhold consent) to the full use of that technology? We as a technology using public must demand technology that respects its users and provides digital autonomy.

In this talk, Karen and Molly will introduce their draft principles and evaluate GNOME (in addition to one or two other technologies ) as an example of how this analysis can be brought into practice.

Level of Difficulty Beginner

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