Jul 22 – 28, 2020 Online Event
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What's new with JavaScript in GNOME: The 2020 edition

Jul 25, 2020, 4:45 PM
50 Minute Presentation Design of User and Developer Experiences


Philip Chimento


This talk is about all the improvements made in GNOME's JavaScript platform in the past year. If you are writing code for a GNOME app or shell extension that uses JavaScript and you want to know how to modernize your code or use new language features, this talk will be interesting for you. If you are curious about the progress made on the garbage collection bug, and what needs to happen before it can be fixed, this talk will be interesting for you. And if you are interested in working on a JavaScript engine and want some ideas for projects to get started with, from beginner through expert level, this talk will definitely be interesting for you!

Level of Difficulty Intermediate

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