Jul 22 – 28, 2020 Online Event
UTC timezone

Building community metrics for GNOME and everyone

Jul 22, 2020, 3:30 PM
50 Minute Presentation Community Building and Diversity


Sriram Ramkrishna Georg Link (Bitergia and CHAOSS)


Metrics is a topic that we've often talk about in GNOME and we have them. But our metrics do not drive decisions, they are generally "scoreboard" metrics. But what if we could create metrics that can drive real decisions in the project, to better utilize the resources that are available.

The apps community (GNOME and KDE) in cooperation with Bitergia and Gitlab have created a working group with CHAOSS project - not only build a common set of metrics in our communities, but to present them to the rest of the open source community.

This talk will talk about the progress we've made in this endeavor, to elicit feedback, and to help grow awareness of GNOME, the apps community to the rest of the open source community out there through our metrics.

Level of Difficulty Intermediate

Primary author


Georg Link (Bitergia and CHAOSS)

Presentation materials

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