Nov 20 – 21, 2021
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

Keynote Speakers

Galina Goduhina

Galina Goduhina

Galina Goduhina is Sales Director at ONLYOFFICE since 2013. In addition to higher education in the field of intercultural communication and PR, Galina received a teaching diploma in 2006.

From 2007 she worked as the head of the technical support department and 2010 joined ONLYOFFICE (former TeamLab) team as the Head of Partner program. Being a team lead for more than 15 years during her education and work activities, Galina is always ready to new challenges in setting up communication processes inside a company or in relations with customers and partners. ONLYOFFICE is her passion and hobby, the most important project after her son.





Suhaimi Napis

Suhaimi Napis

Suhaimi Napis received his BSc (Biology) and MSc (Veterinary Immunobiology) from Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA. He holds a Doctorate degree from the University of Durham, UK in the field of Plant Molecular Biology. He taught bioinformatics and commercialization of biotechnology and was the recipient of several local and EU research grants. He co-founded SIFULAN, a Malaysian Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure Trust Framework, and Asia Open Access (AsiaOA), which promotes global knowledge commons based on open access and open science. Suhaimi has been involved in Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) ever since its formation in 1997 and is presently a member of APAN Board of Directors. His other involvements include Cloud Security Alliance’s High-Performance Computing (HPC) Cloud Security Working Group, Key Opinion Leader for ASEAN HPC Facilities Task Force, and member of ICT Technical and Steering Committee of Ministry of Education (MOE). His current endeavor includes identity and access management, open science, research data management and discovery as well as smart learning.