Nov 20 – 21, 2021
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

Keynote-Prof. Dr. Suhaimi Napis, PhD,

Nov 21, 2021, 3:30 PM
GNOME Asia Summit 2021 (Online)

GNOME Asia Summit 2021


50 minutes presentation


My OSS Journey

My OSS journey started when I was doing my PhD in Plant Molecular Biology between 1988 to 1991 where I am required to carry out bio-informatics analysis of my DNA sequences. Many of the softwares I used for the analyses were developed by fellow scientists and almost all are opensource although later on some were packaged as a paid service by companies. At that time, GeneBank database, one of the most widely used database for molecular biologists, can be stored inside 6 double sided double density (DSDD) floppy disks each capable of storing 512KB data. Upon coming back from the study, and started working at Universiti Putra Malaysia, I was given SUN Sparc 5 with floppy disk drive and that was the beginning of my exposure to SUN Solaris and UNIX system and the rest is history. The talk will narrate my OSS journey of over 20 years until today with my laptop running Endless OS. I will also touch on what our company, Birunisoft current activities and what kind of softwares we are using to operate SIFULAN and its associated services.

Author(s) Bio Suhaimi Napis received his BSc (Biology) and MSc (Veterinary Immunobiology) from Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA. He holds a Doctorate degree from the University of Durham, UK in the field of Plant Molecular Biology. He taught bioinformatics and commercialization of biotechnology and was the recipient of several local and EU research grants. He co-founded SIFULAN, a Malaysian Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure Trust Framework, and Asia Open Access (AsiaOA), which promotes global knowledge commons based on open access and open science. Suhaimi has been involved in Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) ever since its formation in 1997 and is presently a member of APAN Board of Directors. His other involvements include Cloud Security Alliance’s High-Performance Computing (HPC) Cloud Security Working Group, Key Opinion Leader for ASEAN HPC Facilities Task Force, and member of ICT Technical and Steering Committee of Ministry of Education (MOE). His current endeavor includes identity and access management, open science, research data management and discovery as well as smart learning.

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