Nov 20 – 21, 2021
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

Keynote: Developing and promoting open-source projects: A way to success

Nov 20, 2021, 3:30 PM
GNOME Asia Summit 2021 (Online)

GNOME Asia Summit 2021



Mrs Galina Goduhina (ONLYOFFICE)


Nowadays open-source culture has already become a part of our lives. Being an open-source project, we understand that open source doesn’t just mean that something is free of charge. Open source means transparency and reliability.
So, it’s not a surprise that the open-source model has reshaped the industry by changing how software is produced and consumed. Many developers and start-ups opt for going open-source. However, the question arises — how to bring my project to as many people as possible?
This talk seeks to examine which difficulties companies face when creating open-source products, how it affects the business model and which ways are there to promote such projects. Based on experience we got by developing ONLYOFFICE, we’ll discover the most important aspects of gaining more attention to open-source software, from making well-structured documentation and providing training to building your own community and even taking speaking opportunities like this one.

ONLYOFFICE is an open-source project with the focus on advanced and secure document processing. In the past 10 years the project rose to universal office apps used by more than 7M people worldwide on their personal computers, mobile devices, local networks, and in public cloud. ONLYOFFICE actively supports various open-source initiatives, also being a member of such organizations as Open Source Business Alliance, Linux Foundation, etc.

Author(s) Bio Galina Goduhina is Sales Director at ONLYOFFICE since 2013. In addition to higher education in the field of intercultural communication and PR, Galina received a teaching diploma in 2006. From 2007 she worked as the head of the technical support department and 2010 joined ONLYOFFICE (former TeamLab) team as the Head of Partner program. Being a team lead for more than 15 years during her education and work activities, Galina is always ready to new challenges in setting up communication processes inside a company or in relations with customers and partners. ONLYOFFICE is her passion and hobby, the most important project after her son.

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