Nov 20 – 21, 2021
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

Inkscape and my Academic Journey as Sport Student

Nov 20, 2021, 6:00 PM
GNOME Asia Summit 2021 (Online)

GNOME Asia Summit 2021


25 minutes presentation Track B


Inkscape is a software that I've only ever known when I was in school. When I was in college, I unexpectedly met this software again in an Inkscape community on my campus. It turned out that my second meeting with Inkscape made me learn a lot about design, doing publications for various activities, even the completion of my studies at university.

I'm currently pursuing a postgraduate program and Inkscape is still my best friend. In this talk, I will tell you about my journey using Inkscape since college as an undergraduate student until now as a postgraduate majoring in sports.

Tracks Community Building and Diveristy
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Author(s) Bio Member of Inkscape Circle, Postgraduate Student at Sport Science Program Yogyakarta State University, Administrator at YSU Sport Laboratory School, Freelance Graphic Designer

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