Nov 20 – 21, 2021
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

Computing and GNOME - The Asia connection

Nov 21, 2021, 5:45 PM
GNOME Asia Summit 2021 (Online)

GNOME Asia Summit 2021


Track A


Computing has a long history as do GNOME by now

This talk will try to give an overview and introduction to both topics and hopefully providing the audience with an interesting and maybe a fascinating overview about the history of computing, GNOME, open source and how the topics relates back to Asia.

Tracks Application Development and Deployment
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Author(s) Bio Oliver Propst is a Swedish citizen with an academic background in information science which he studied at Gothenburg University. He have been inolved with the GNOME for about 10 years during which time he has contributed to different engagement and marketing activities within GNOME.

Primary author

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