Nov 20 – 21, 2021
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

A healthy git commit for everyday development

Nov 20, 2021, 3:00 PM
GNOME Asia Summit 2021 (Online)

GNOME Asia Summit 2021


25 minutes presentation Track A


A good day is when you know what to do in that day. A standup meeting everyday is the one you can describe everything you want to do in a day. But that’s not enough (at least for me personally). Once you face the screen you might be forgot about it or your co-worker want to discuss with you after the standup.

Logging everything what you want to do is important. It’s not only for others but also you in the future. The best way to commit is everyday so that’s why I don’t suggest to create a huge ticket. The ticket should only can finish in a day or less. If a big ticket can’t be avoided, the do a commit message everyday.

I will show you why this is matter and can make your life easier.

Tracks Application Development and Deployment
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Author(s) Bio A day to day front-end developer who still passionate to contribute to communities

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