21–25 Jul 2021 Online Event
UTC timezone

Keynote Speaker: Shauna Gordon-McKeon

21 Jul 2021, 20:30
Keynote Presentation


Shauna Gordon-McKeon


Title : Refashioning Freedom

The world is a complex and messy place, so we use shorthands and mental models to navigate - like "open source", or "free software", or "user freedom". But every shorthand leaves something out, and there are always different ways to conceptualize our work and our goals. It's important to regularly revisit these choices, to make sure they still serve us.

What alternative conceptions of freedom are out there? What would our communities look like if they were oriented around these different models? What can we learn from the peoples and movements already working to bring those kinds of freedoms into the world?

What are the skills and the resources, the institutions and the relationships, the tools and the concepts we need, to bring about the world we want to see?

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