21–25 Jul 2021 Online Event
UTC timezone

The state of GNOME OS on RISC-V

21 Jul 2021, 17:40
25 Minute Presentation


Valentin David (Codethink)


GNOME OS is bootable GNOME system built as part of continuous integration for the GNOME releases. So far, GNOME OS has been built for x86 and ARM architectures.

RISC-V is a new open standard processor architecture.

Some work has been done to bring GNOME OS to RISC-V. However, desktop-ready hardware is still scarce and software support only just there. Thanksfully it is possible to emulate RISC-V hardware to prepare development of GNOME OS for RISC-V.

This talk will cover the effort done, show the current state of GNOME OS on RISC-V and detail the future work required.

Author(s) Bio

Valentin David is a developer at Codethink. He enjoys building systems and contributes to gnome-build-meta.

Primary author

Valentin David (Codethink)

Presentation materials