21–25 Jul 2021 Online Event
UTC timezone

Revitalizing GNOME Software

21 Jul 2021, 19:40
40 Minute Presentation


Phaedrus Leeds Philip Withnall (Endless)


GNOME Software is the standard application for managing software on your GNOME desktop. This includes finding applications to install, updating installed applications, keeping your Operating System up-to-date, and installing firmware updates. In recent years the project has been under-resourced and suffered as a consequence. In October 2020 a multi-developer cross-company effort began to invest in maintaining GNOME Software going forward, led primarily by Endless OS Foundation and Red Hat. The goals of this effort are to improve robustness, performance, and user experience. Tobias Bernard and the GNOME Design Team have created a set of mock-ups for refreshing the UI of Software; the implementation of these will be a major goal of the 41 development cycle. Some work has already landed in the 40 release. As always, help is welcome!

Author(s) Bio

Phaedrus Leeds began contributing to GNOME during an internship on the Red Hat desktop team, before moving to Endless where he continued to work on Flatpak and other components of Endless OS and GNOME for almost four years. He is currently contributing to GNOME in his free time and looking at job opportunities in the Linux and GNOME FOSS space.

Philip Withnall is a software engineer at Endless OS Foundation where he has been helping maintain OS components for over 4 years. Philip has a history of working on GNOME for several years before that, and currently maintains GLib as well as a number of other projects.

Primary authors

Phaedrus Leeds Philip Withnall (Endless)

Presentation materials