Jul 21 – 25, 2021 Online Event
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Large GUI application with Python and GTK

Jul 22, 2021, 7:30 PM
40 Minute Presentation Application Development and Deployment


Arjan Molenaar


Most applications written in Python remain relatively small. But what happens if your application grows? How can you grow the code base of a dynamically typed language?

We'll have a look at Gaphor, a modeling tool written in Python, and see what patterns have been used to keep the code maintainable and extensible.

Author(s) Bio

Arjan is a software engineer working for Xebia in The Netherlands. He's been involved in numerous projects ranging from financial systems to embedded applications. He's a long time GNOME user and core contributor to Gaphor.

Primary author

Arjan Molenaar

Presentation materials