Nov 24 – 26, 2020
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

Front End Developer Weapons in GNOME

Nov 26, 2020, 5:15 PM
Track 1

Track 1
25 minutes presentation


Yudhi Satrio


GNOME is a crazy rich desktop (quote from Ahmad Haris). But not many Front End Developer using Linux. I'm a unique one, I'm using Linux and I'm Front End Developer. The tools under GNOME environment is powerful actually. So I want to share the weapons I'm using everyday coding under Linux.

Tracks Application Development and Deployment
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Author(s) Bio I'm a day to day Front End Developer at Dailymotion. I'm still active in community and have concern in A11y. I give talks sometimes

Primary author

Presentation materials