Jul 19 – 24, 2024
America/Denver timezone

A phosh status update

Jul 21, 2024, 1:25 PM
444-LoRaine Good | Track 2

444-LoRaine Good | Track 2

25 Minute Presentation - In Person Use of GNOME Technologies Outside of the Desktop


Arun Mani Gotam Gorabh (GNOME Member)


Briefly introduce Phosh as a GNOME-based mobile platform. Highlight its unique features and advantages and its current development status.
Will also include:

  • Recent Progress
  • Community Highlight
  • Looking ahead
  • Call to action

Also will Encourage developers to try Phosh and contribute to its development. Invite users to test Phosh on their devices and provide feedback.
Highlight community channels and resources for getting involved.

Author(s) Bio

Gotam Gorabh is a Software developer at PearTree. He is contributing to GNOME and Phosh projects. He was a former GSoC’23 Intern Under the GNOME Foundation, where he worked on the GNOME Settings project.

Arun Mani J is an open source enthusiast who likes experimenting with mobile Linux and DevOps.

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Primary author

Gotam Gorabh (GNOME Member)


Presentation materials