19–24 Jul 2024
America/Denver timezone

Cambalache Workshop!

22 Jul 2024, 11:20
BoF Rm 1 - 329 Senate Chambers

BoF Rm 1 - 329 Senate Chambers

Workshop - In Person Application Development and Deployment


Juan Pablo Ugarte


In this workshop I will focus on showing the intended workflow for application development using Cambalache.

How to create multiples composite templates for use within you project, integrate CSS files and integration with your build system.

You will also have the opportunity to ask any specific questions and get support to start using Cambalache in your application development.

Author(s) Bio

Born and raised in the pampas of Argentina, GNOME user since 2001, member since 2005, former Glade developer and maintainer. Currently working on a new RAD tool for Gtk 4

Primary author

Presentation materials