19–24 Jul 2024
America/Denver timezone

Making WebKitGTK accessible again

21 Jul 2024, 13:55
250-Turnhalle | Track 1

250-Turnhalle | Track 1

25 Minute Presentation - In Person Application Development and Deployment


Georges Basile Stavracas Neto (Igalia)


Since the GTK4 port of WebKit was released, a major missing feature was the accessibility of the web contents. Accessibility technologies like Orca couldn't inspect what was the web content visible on screen. But as of GNOME 46, this is (mostly) fixed!

Let's deep dive into how WebKitGTK implements and exposes the accessible information of its web pages, how that conflicted with GTK4's expectations, and also discuss the current state, and potential future improvements.

Author(s) Bio

Georges contributes to GNOME sometimes.

Pronouns He / him

Primary author

Presentation materials