19–24 Jul 2024
America/Denver timezone

Calendaring in the modern desktop

19 Jul 2024, 14:05
250-Turnhalle | Track 1

250-Turnhalle | Track 1

25 Minute Presentation - In Person Design of User and Developer Experiences


Georges Basile Stavracas Neto (Igalia) Hari Rana Jean-François Fortin Tam


Between long and tedious RFCs, web-based alternatives, and non-compliant proprietary apps, GNOME Calendar still stands as one of the best calendaring apps out there - even when considering expensive proprietary alternatives. There are many low and high level challenges in this problem space, but specially over the past two years, significant improvements were made. Let's learn about what are these challenges, what the milestones recently achieved, the tricky usability, accessibility, and compliance challenges that the calendaring domain has, and ideas for the future.

Author(s) Bio

Georges is the maintainer of GNOME Calendar and other parts of the GNOME ecossystem.
Jean-Fraçois Fortin Tam is involved with Getting Things GNOME!, GNOME Calendar, and is a master wordsmith.
Hari Rana is a blog writer interested in FOSS, mainly about GNOME and Flatpak, and also heavily contributes to GNOME Calendar and Settings.

Pronouns Georges Basile: he / him - Jean-François Fortin Tam: he / him - Hari: he / him

Primary author


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