Jul 19 – 24, 2024
America/Denver timezone

GTK's new renderers - a deep dive

Jul 19, 2024, 11:10 AM
250-Turnhalle | Track 1

250-Turnhalle | Track 1

40 Minute Presentation - In Person Application Development and Deployment


Benjamin Otte Matthias Clasen


The GTK core team has been working on new GSK renderers for about a year before merging them at the beginning of this year. In this talk we'll present various angles of this effort, and go into some depth to present the technical underpinnings and tradeoffs of GTK's rendering infrastructure.

The presentation should be of particular interest to both app developers who want to get the most out of GTK's rendering capabilities and to prospective GTK contributors. Our goal is to make it enjoyable for anybody with a passing interest in rendering and graphics.

Author(s) Bio

Matthias Clasen has been involved in GNOME for more than 20 years and is one of the GTK maintainers. He works as a manager in the desktop team at Red Hat, and lives in Massachusetts.

Benjamin Otte is also a GTK maintainer and works fulltime on GTK at Red Hat. The new renderer infrastructure is almost entirely his creation.

Pronouns He/Him

Primary authors

Presentation materials