19–24 Jul 2024
America/Denver timezone

Advances in Font Technology

20 Jul 2024, 12:05
250-Turnhalle | Track 1

250-Turnhalle | Track 1

40 Minute Presentation - In Person GNOME Open Day


Behdad Esfahbod Matthias Clasen


In this two part talk, Behdad will talk about advances in the font format technology that are currently being standardized, which Matthias will talk about advances in GTK+ text rendering and what to do with Pango.

Author(s) Bio

Behdad Esfahbod has been involved in GNOME since 2005. He has maintained Pango and vte for years. Currently he spends most of his time on HarfBuzz, which is a cross-platform text-shaping library. He lives in Edmonton, Canada.

Matthias Clasen has been involved in GNOME for more than 20 years and is one of the GTK maintainers. He works as a manager in the desktop team at Red Hat, and lives in Massachusetts.

Pronouns He/him

Primary authors

Presentation materials