19–24 Jul 2024
America/Denver timezone

Integrating the FOSS Community in Latam to Projects and Strategies of Gnome Foundation

19 Jul 2024, 11:55
444-LoRaine Good | Track 2

444-LoRaine Good | Track 2

25 Minute Presentation - In Person Encourage New Contributors


Manuel Haro (Chief at Open Source Innovation Labs Community and DEDICA Foundation)


FOSS communities in Latam are taking an important role as drivers towards the use, adoption, development and contribution to technological solutions such as Linux, Gnome, LibreOffice, OpenStreetMaps, KDE and many more.

It is important to prioritize both the development of new technological innovation projects under a philosophy of open collaboration and to strengthen by contributing to the many that are being executed with a high scale of usability.

As part of the Model, the proposal is to take advantage of activities such as the following:

  • Structure an agenda of Meetups among the community.

  • Identify some Gnome projects that can be strengthened by the talent of our community in Latam.

  • Consolidate specialized development teams around Gnome solutions.

  • Maintain the effort of the Gnome Latam Local Team.

  • The above allows the maturity of contributors and developers in FOSS projects and especially around Gnome projects.

Author(s) Bio

Computer Systems Engineer, Generation X and passionate about FOSS technologies for more than 30 years. Founder of the Zacatecas Free Software Laboratory Founder and current president of the DEDICA Foundation Coordinator of the Open Source Innovation Labs Network Active Member of Gnome Foundation Research Professor at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas Professor and Coordinator of Computer Systems Engineering at UNIR México

Primary author

Manuel Haro (Chief at Open Source Innovation Labs Community and DEDICA Foundation)

Presentation materials