1–3 Dec 2023
Asia/Kathmandu timezone

Exploring the Package Management Ecosystems of Different Open-Source Distributions

2 Dec 2023, 15:05
30 minutes presentation: IN PERSON Track B


Bhawna Chauhan (Monado)Mr Rakshit Gondwal (CNCF)


Have you ever wondered how applications are packaged for different computer systems? Different systems like Debian, Arch, MacOS, and Windows - all have unique ways of managing software. But how does this affect us?
Join us in our talk where we’ll dig into the world of package management, where software is organized and shared. Get to learn about different types of package management systems and how they work differently. What’s the difference of using one over the other? How does this choice impact the safety and ease of use? Also, get a demo of how you can package your very own application.
Don’t miss out!

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Talk Description In the dynamic realm of open-source software, package managers play a pivotal role in simplifying software installation, updates, and dependency resolution. Various open-source distributions have developed their own unique package manager ecosystems to cater to the needs of their user communities. Here's a quick overview of some of the most popular package managers: APT (Advanced Package Tool): Used in Debian, Ubuntu, and their derivatives, APT excels at dependency resolution and easy software management via repositories. YUM/DNF (Yellowdog Updater, Modified / Dandified YUM): Utilized in Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, and similar distributions, these package managers are known for robust dependency resolution. Pacman: Designed for Arch Linux and Manjaro, Pacman offers simplicity and speed in package management, complemented by the Arch User Repository (AUR). Snap and DPKG: Ubuntu employs both Snap for universal packaging and DPKG for traditional Debian packages, ensuring a wide range of software compatibility. Portage: Unique to Gentoo Linux, Portage takes a source-based approach to package management, granting granular control but requiring longer installation times. Zypper: The package manager for SUSE-based distributions like SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE, Zypper offers robust dependency resolution and efficient package management. Slackpkg: Used in Slackware, Slackpkg aligns with the distribution's minimalist philosophy, offering command-line simplicity for package management. Homebrew: Popular among macOS users, Homebrew simplifies software management on macOS and Linux, focusing on user-friendliness. Chocolatey: Designed for Windows, Chocolatey automates software installations and updates, providing a repository of Windows applications for easy management. NPM (Node Package Manager): Specific to JavaScript and Node.js development, NPM manages packages and dependencies for web and server-side developers. To package your own application, follow these steps: choose a packaging format, create a well-structured directory, write installation scripts, include metadata, build the package, test it, distribute it, document the installation process, maintain it, and engage with the user community. The benefits of using package management systems are numerous, including automatic dependency resolution, version control, easy installation, simplified updates, enhanced security, centralized repositories, easy uninstallation, rollback capabilities, efficient disk space usage, community support, customization, and cross-platform compatibility. These advantages make package managers indispensable tools in the world of software development and distribution. (For more details you can refer the document re attached)
Author(s) Bio Bhawna is a software developer at Monado. She is also a mentee in the LFX'23 program, working under Project Harbor, MLH Fellow under NearProtocol, XROS Fellow under Monado and Github Campus Expert . As an entrepreneur, Bhawna founded SheBuilds, an organization dedicated to empowering women in the tech industry. Her passion for hackathons has led them to emerge victorious in an impressive 20 competitions, showcasing their ability to think creatively and deliver innovative solutions. With her diverse experiences, Bhawna is a dynamic speaker who can inspire audiences with her journey in software development and entrepreneurship and their commitment to promoting inclusivity in technology.
Pronouns She/her
Twitter and/or Mastodon Handle ConnectBhawna
Where are you located? Delhi, India
Do you need travel sponsorship from GNOME Foundation in order to join our event? Yes

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