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1–3 Dec 2023
Asia/Kathmandu timezone

Understanding GNOME's Code of Conduct

1 Dec 2023, 11:50
50 minutes presentation: IN PERSON Track B


Federico Mena Quintero Rosanna Yuen


As GNOME community members, we are all obligated to follow our Code of Conduct. But what does that mean? In this talk, we will discuss our Code of Conduct, meet our committee in charge of enforcement, give examples of incidents we can and cannot act on, and explain the procedures for reporting incidents.

Tracks Project organization and Governance
Talk Description The audience will hopefully have a better idea of what are considered Code of Conduct violations and how to report them.
Author(s) Bio Rosanna Yuen is the Director of Operations at the GNOME Foundation. She has been running Linux for decades, and is a long-time GNOME user dating back to when it was still an early alpha. She wrote many of the card games in AisleRiot thereby earning her the distinction of being the first female contributor to GNOME. She started working for the Foundation in 2006 and has kept the Foundation running smoothly for over 15 years. Over the years Rosanna has filled many roles for the GNOME Foundation, but her primary responsibility has always been keeping the finances of the Foundation running smoothly and prudently. Acting as the long-term memory of the Foundation, she can often be counted on to give historical context to Board meetings. She currently also serves on the Code of Conduct and Travel committees for GNOME.
Pronouns Rosanna Yuen (she/her), Federico Mena (he/him)
Where are you located? US, Mexico
Do you need travel sponsorship from GNOME Foundation in order to join our event? Yes


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