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1–3 Dec 2023
Asia/Kathmandu timezone

Introduction to writing accessible applications with GTK4

2 Dec 2023, 12:15
50 minutes presentation: IN PERSON Track B


Federico Mena Quintero


How does one go about writing an application that is usable from the various assistive technologies that GNOME supports? How do you make your application usable from a screen reader?

In this talk, we will learn the basics of making an application accessible, starting from how the "accessibility tree" is a tenuous concept, different but related to the "widget tree". We will look at GTK4's minimal API for annotating accessibility properties on custom widgets, and talk a bit about future work in this area.

Tracks Application Development and Deployment
Talk Description This is a somewhat technical talk for developers of GTK applications who want to learn how to make them accessible.
Author(s) Bio Federico is one of the founders of GNOME and has been working on core libraries for a long time. Recently he has been cleaning up technical debt in the accessibility infrastructure in GNOME, to make life easier for the people who really know how accessibility should work.
Pronouns he/him
Twitter and/or Mastodon Handle
Where are you located? Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico
Do you need travel sponsorship from GNOME Foundation in order to join our event? Yes


Presentation materials