24–26 Nov 2020
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

Creating Considerate Communities with Codes of Conduct

25 Nov 2020, 15:00
Track 1

Track 1

25 minutes presentation


Federico Mena Quintero


Every GNOME event carries the GNOME Code of Conduct. Every mailing list, wiki, communication channel, issue tracker, and even documentation and code must comply with the GNOME Code of Conduct, which describes what sort of behavior is expected within the GNOME community. In this session, we'll discuss not only what the Code of Conduct says, but why the text was chosen. We'll also talk about how you can be a great community member and what it means to participate in the GNOME community.

Tracks Community Building and Diveristy
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Author(s) Bio Federico (he/him) is one of the founders of GNOME, and is the chairperson of the code of conduct committee.

Primary author

Presentation materials

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