Nov 24 – 26, 2020
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

Designing UX for CLI Application

Nov 26, 2020, 3:00 PM
Track 1

Track 1
25 minutes presentation


Adityo Pratomo


CLI application is one of the powerful tools known to developers. It exposes a lot of core functionalities required to operate a system, acquire data, investigates logs, and many more. It has been a ubiquitous component of a system since the personal computer's early days. Fast forward to modern days, the advent of various programming language and tools that enables the development of CLI application and normalizes its usage for any level of developers, has brought the thinking to improve the overall experience. When we think of Developer Experience, improving UX of CLI application can be a huge factor that helps to achieve the epic goal. In this talk, I will share several points of thinking, that goes when trying to improve the UX of a CLI application. We will look at some of the prime examples as well as giving a quick tour of how to achieve this using Rust.

Tracks Design of Users and Developer Experiences
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Author(s) Bio Adityo Pratomo lives between the realm of design and development on a daily basis. Currently, he works as a UX Designer/Front End Developer for Tetrate, a US based company that enables Service Mesh for enterprise use.

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