Nov 24 – 26, 2020
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

GNU/Linux applications in Education

Nov 26, 2020, 4:45 PM
Track 2

Track 2
25 minutes presentation


Mr Joydeep Sen Gupta


The purpose of my talk is to make people, especially in academia, aware that GNU/Linux and free/libre open source software can be easily used at universities and schools, and the benefits in doing so!
I’m going to touch upon the following topics:
- A brief introduction to GNU/Linux.
- Reasons to use GNU/Linux instead of Windows.
- Reasons to not spend tons of money in proprietary software licenses for every single student and just use free/libre software.
- Getting started with insert distro (for most of the presentation I will use Fedora since this is what I personally use, but what I am going to demonstrate is distro agnostic).
- Introduction to Moodle and NextCloud implementation at university/schools.
- Open source tools for remote classes/conferences.

Tracks Use of GNOME by Users
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Author(s) Bio I'm an engineering student in Delhi, India. A FLOSS advocate, a linux nerd and a DevOps enthusiast.

Primary author

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