Nov 24 – 26, 2020
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

Flathub – app store and build service for Linux

Nov 26, 2020, 3:30 PM
Track 1

Track 1
50 minutes presentation


Bartłomiej Piotrowski


Imagine you wrote a new text editor which will completely disrupt the market of Linux desktop. You've just pushed the first stable release to GitHub and… nothing happened. Turns out there are at least 8 Linux distributions; each ships different, incompatible versions of dependencies used by your application; only 3 share similar, but not the same packaging systems and two require donating your kidney to take your package into the review process. Congratulations! You are no longer a developer, you are a package maintainer now.

Just as Docker simplified deployments for servers, Flatpak lets you package your application once and run it almost everywhere. Flathub is a build and distribution service for Linux desktop applications created with Flatpak. Let's talk about how Flathub works, how to submit a new application and what you can do to help the project.

Tracks Application Development and Deployment
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Author(s) Bio Developer of Arch Linux, maintainer of Flathub, member of GNOME Foundation. A ghost of Alpine Linux past. I keep servers running for a living.

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