Nov 24 – 26, 2020
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

Leveraging Open Source Tools for Distance Learning During Pandemic Season

Nov 26, 2020, 5:15 PM
Track 2

Track 2
25 minutes presentation


Mohammad Hafiz Ismail (Universiti Teknologi MARA)


The sudden widespread of COVID-19 pandemic has taken the academic world by surprise. This unforeseen event has led Universities to drastically alter their course content delivery method from face-to-face to online classes in exceptionally short amount of time. The paper discusses issues and challenges faced by academics in adapting teaching and learning during this trying times and how open source software helped in developing distance learning video for delivering syllabus in a timely manner.

Tracks Community Building and Diveristy
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Author(s) Bio The author is a senior lecturer in a local University in Malaysia. The author have 15 years experience in using Open Source Software platform, and has contributed to the OSS community as a tech writer since 2010.

Primary author

Mohammad Hafiz Ismail (Universiti Teknologi MARA)

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