Nov 24 – 26, 2020
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

Under COVID-19 pandemic, Korea's Community Challenges and Futures

Nov 25, 2020, 4:45 PM
Track 1

Track 1
25 minutes presentation


DaeHyun Sung (LibreOffice Membership)


Title: Under COVID-19 pandemic, Korea's Community Challenges and Futures

1. GNOME Korea Community
GNOME Korea Community always was held software translation event on offline, annually in recent years.

The event is a translation event during the string freezing period before GNOME release dates.

The GNOME Korea community canceled the offline event this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, the event was held online.

I will introduce how this year's online GNOME translation event was held and operated.

Also, In this year(2020), GNOME Korea homepage is changed & updated. It moves google site to github static page.

at that time, Former Ubuntu Community leader, Youngbin Han suggest CI module on github, and I(DaeHyun Sung) also suggest to fix GNOME sites and contribution members.

While changing the homepage, I will talk about how Korean open source developers collaborated.

2. LibreOffice Korean Community
I am a member of GNOME Korea and one of GNOME Foundation Member in Korea, but also a leader of the LibreOffice Korean Team & one of The Document Foundation memberships.

I'm building LibreOffice Korean Community.

I'm talking about my experience of starting a source code contribution[fix Korean Hangul/Hanja dictionary’s bug] and running a community from 2017 to now(2020).

This year, I participate as a contribution mentor for the NIPA's contribution event with NIPA[National IT Industry Promotion Agency, IT Industry promotion organization by the Republic of Korea] cooperation. (The event teaches students and the public how to participate in open source activities.)

With the help of NIPA, I will participate as a mentor for LibreOffice Korean language contribution and share how to promote LibreOffice in Korea.

The above is taken from the following link.
I will summarize and release it for the GNOME event.

I'll deal with both GNOME Korea & LibreOffice Korean Team situation under COVID-19 & shows future goals

Tracks Community Building and Diveristy
Level of Difficulty Beginner
Author(s) Bio I'm LibreOffice Korean Team leader, contributor, and translator. also, I'm GNOME & KDE Korean Contributor and GNOME Korean Translator. I contributed some FLOSS, such as, GNU libunistring, LibreOffice, KDE, GNOME. Also, I'm TDF Membership and GNOME Foundation Member in Korea and openSUSE Asia Organization Korean member. I'm interested in Open Source related things (Development, Translation, Contribution, Communities), East Asian Languages (such as Korean dialects, Japanese, Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian, etc), East Asian cultural sphere. My hobby is learning Languages such as English, Japanese (日本語), Mandarin Chinese (華語, 漢語 / 汉语), etc.

Primary author

DaeHyun Sung (LibreOffice Membership)

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