Denver, US
July 19th – 24th, 2024

You're always breaking GNOME

19 Jul 2024, 12:25
Remote, 250-Turnhalle | Track 1

Remote, 250-Turnhalle | Track 1

40 Minute Presentation - Remote Application Development and Deployment


Jordan Petridis Sam Thursfield (Volunteer) Valentin David


State of the Union of GNOME OS and what it takes to keep the whole world building.

We will go through all the recent changes in GNOME OS land, what's yet to come and how it makes the lives of developers easier.

We have an internal pad with the contents we want to cover here:

Author(s) Bio

Jordan Petridis is a long time GNOME contributor, member of the Release Team. Day to day he works with multimedia software but somehow ended up trying to keep software building as a "hobby".

Sam Thursfield is a long time GNOME contributor and part-time maintainer of the Tracker search engine. Besides desktop search software, his interests are music making and rock climbing. He continues to learn from his old mistakes while also making new ones.

Valentin spends his free time making sure GNOME OS keeps on booting and can run games. And then he finds no time to play. During the day he works at Canonical making sure Ubuntu Core keeps on booting.

Pronouns he/him

Primary authors

Presentation materials